Tkinter Configuration

Eric Brunel eric.brunel at
Mon May 13 13:00:21 EDT 2002

Bohr, Mike wrote:
> I've got S.u.S.E. Linux 7.3 Personal. I've only installed Python 2.2.1 .

Unfortunately, I don't know about the SuSe distro... Are the Tcl/Tk 
libraries installed by default? Their names are libtcl<something>.so and 
libtk<something>.so; They're usually installed in /usr/lib or 
/usr/local/lib. Please make sure you have them, and get their actual names.

Did you compile your Python interpreter yourself? If not, do you know how 
to do it? You will have to do it to be able to include the Tkinter support 
in your Python interpreter.

If you have, just go to the Modules directory under the root installation 
of the Python sources. Edit the "Setup" file and locate the lines 
concerning the "_tkinter" module (just search for "_tkinter"). You just 
have to uncomment/edit the lines for this module, regenerate the makefile 
in the top directory ("make Makefile") and re-compile ("make"). The 
comments for these lines should be explicit enough. If they aren't, I'll be 
glad to help.

HTH. Good luck!
- Eric Brunel <eric.brunel at> -
PragmaDev : Real Time Software Development Tools -

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