Executing a system command

George Demmy gdemmy at layton-graphics.com
Thu May 23 11:35:23 EDT 2002

jb <jblazi at hotmail.com> writes:
> I already looked at os.environ. It contains the variable TEXINPUTS. I hope 
> that this environment is passed on to the system call. How can I find out 
> if there are additional variables I have to set?

If you can run your commands successfully at the command line, then
you just need to make sure that your environments match. They
should. If the environments match, and you can run your command set at
the command line successfully, then you've got some other problem that
you'll have to discover. You might consider exploring a different line
of reasoning, e.g., os.chdir, doing in python what can be done in
python, and using os.system for what can only be done outside of
python. Also, start with trivial cases (e.g., simple documents based
upon default documentclasses), and work toward the more general and


George Demmy
Layton Graphics, Inc

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