Off Topic, But List Related -- Tired of Getting Spammed Via

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry at
Sat May 25 12:53:54 EDT 2002

>: Most likely they are eating your address from either a) subscribing to eat
>: addresses, b) web crawling the online archive or c) the usenet postings.
> So far so good. Nothing new there.
>: public lists lead to spam.  You get used to it or you try to
>: control it coming
>: in.  Changing this list won't help.
> "Get used to it"?!?!? You're kidding...

no, I am not.  I get over 600 mails a day, the ten or so that are spam are
meaningless.  My mail gets filtered by mailing list and a few other criterion
so the spam lands in my inbox and is immediately recognizable.  I just
highlight it a few at a time and *poof* gone.  Just like i do the paper spam
that gets mailed to me every day.

> I beg to differ.  Perhaps you didn't read about Shibboleth.  Clear text
> addresses do not appear anywhere in the messages unless the (l)user writes
> it in the message body.

as Oleg points out this only reduces the chances and does nothing to stop
people who subscribe to reap addresses.  The more you try to stop spammers the
smarter they get.

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