PEP 218 Re: ANN: set-0.1 module available

Roman Suzi rnd at
Tue May 14 12:53:15 EDT 2002

On 10 May 2002, Coady wrote:

BTW, what are the chances of PEP218 being built into Python?
(I mean, as built-in type, not library)

I can't find any more discussions about that.  My opinion is that set
built-in type is very useful and using dictionaries for that is ugly.

And I also think set type will not bloat Python much.

>I'd like to announce the availability of set-0.1:  an extension module
>for Python 2.2+ which implements a set type.  It's similar to the
>specification in PEP 218.
>You can find it in the Vaults of Parnassus or more directly at:
>Comments are welcome,

Sincerely yours, Roman Suzi
\_ Russia \_ Karelia \_ Petrozavodsk \_ rnd at \_

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