How does from work?

Phlip phlip_cpp at
Fri May 3 18:32:54 EDT 2002

Phlip wrote:

> I'm attempting to perform the Refactor "Replace Documentary Comment With
> Test" on, and I have gotten this far:

if __name__ == '__main__':

    dpy = display.Display()
    aComWin = commWindow(dpy)
    thing = aComWin.lookup_name('RAD')
    print repr(thing)
    aServer = server(aComWin, 'RAD', thing)
    print aServer.is_still_valid()
    print aServer.valid
    aServer.send('iHello World!<ESC>')

The first problem with my earlier post was I had vim 6.0z. Now that I
have 6.0.19 it supports the servername command:

	gvim --servername RAD 

The python-vim and python-xlib now spew many print statements to the
effect that they found a vim window called RAD, but the gvim itself never
shows the "Hello World" response.

What am I missing? Is there a more inscrutable command to send?

BTW private e-mail revealed to fix the prior error I should just tweak
the code:

          # Split up the result.value by "\0"
        if result is not None:
            r = result.value.split("\0")
            r = []

Yes, I would have tried that eventually.

  --  Set phasers on illin'  --

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