Newbie question: how to join a list of elements of user-defined types?

Lemniscate d_blade8 at
Wed May 1 16:23:42 EDT 2002

holger krekel <pyth at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1020198762.15259.python-list at>...

> Funny to notice, that at least ANSI-C++ is *newer* than python as far
> as i know.

:-) Funny.  ANSI-C++ is indeed *newer* than python, but you are
comparing apples to oranges (you are comparing a version of one
language with the whole of another).  I respond by saying that Python
2.2.1 is much, *much* newer than any C++ implementation.

Additionally, somebody learning something new has nothing to do with
the age of the information they digest.  I can go to google right now
and learn something *new* about the ancient Greeks (and, yes, ANSI-C++
is *newer* than the ancient greeks, ;-) ).  Just my $.02.

> you might want to look at:
> have fun,
>     holger

An excellent recommendation.

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