Thought on PEP 204 and 276

phil hunt philh at
Tue May 28 15:31:16 EDT 2002

On Tue, 28 May 2002 16:00:12 +0200, holger krekel <pyth at> wrote:
>that was precisely my argument on the python-dev list but
>it got rejected by GvR personally ... "Trust me. Don't go there."
>I realize that mapping types and sequence types are quite different
>despite appearances.  It may not be a good idea to blur the lines 
>between these two too much. 

I think they are essentially the same. A sequence tpye is just a 
mapping type where the keys are restricted to the integers from
0 to however many elements there are minus 1.

>> Also, why wasn't an items() method simply added to sequence types,
>> treating them as mapping types with an integer key?
>that would be ambivalent. calling items on a list could also mean
>that you are refering to the elements (no notion of enumeration).

but then you would just say

    for element in list:

<"><"><"> Philip Hunt <philh at> <"><"><">
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