email module in 2.2

Alex Russell alex at
Sat May 25 23:43:41 EDT 2002

Matthew Dixon Cowles wrote:

> You're very welcome. That code doesn't do anything in particular with
> multipart/alternative messages primarily because you didn't mention
> that it needed to <wink>.

Fair enough =)

> Of course you may be right but I'd be rather surprised if that were
> the case. I've written an email client in Python and started before
> the email module (and its predecessor mimelib) was available. So I've
> done a bunch of fiddling with MIME messages using the email module and
> other tools and have yet to find anything to do with MIME messages
> that the email module doesn't make easier.
> If you'll post a bit more about what you need to do, we may be able to
> help more.

I've encountered messages where there's a multi-part alternative message 
that's wrapping both text/plain and text/html versions of a message. I 
really don't want the HTML part (security problems galore), so I just want 
to kick back the text/plain sub-sections in this case. The boundaries 
(given by Message.get_boundary()) seperate them, but short of 
string.split-ing on that boundary, I'm at a loss for how to do this.

> At a guess, you may be running into the problem of duplicating the
> conventions followed by some particular email client or clients.

I think this may be the case, but being the perfectionist I am, I want to 
do the "right thing" no matter how badly mangled the email client may be. 
Handling input from well-behaved clients seems fairly trivial, but 
unfortunantly they seem to be in the minority.

> The email module hands back MIME parts and your program can do anything it
> likes with them. Replicating the behavior of some email client can be
> a nuisance but it's a nuisance that's separate from the nuisance of
> parsing MIME messages.

I suppose I don't want to replicate any behaviour (I'm only going to be 
sending plain-text email, no matter what), but I sure would like to be able 
to handle attachments intelligently.

Any help or code you could send would be great. Thanks again for your time.


Alex Russell
alex at
alex at

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