Gadfly-1.0rc1 Errors

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Fri May 17 23:58:52 EDT 2002

Dave Moor:
>>     raise exc[0], (exc[1][0], exc[1][1] + ' removing '+cmd[1])
>> OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied removing _test_dir\test.gfl
>The error repeat for 40 tests, but its always caused by shutil.rmtree.
> The install worked OK, should I worry about the tests failing?

Just a guess, not based on looking at source code.  MS Windows doesn't
allow an open file to be deleted, while Unix does.  I suspect the
cleanup code is trying to remove the test directory and can't
because something therein is open.

If so, it's not a problem.

                    dalke at

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