getting name of the function you're in

Richard Townsend richard at
Wed May 15 13:55:46 EDT 2002

"Bob Purvy" <bpurvy at> wrote in message
news:3CE295FF.2020202 at
> does anyone know how to do this?  I asked our resident Python guru and
> he didn't know.  Also searched the docs reasonably thoroughly.
> it's for logging debug info to a custom log file.
> (I should mention that currently I'm on 2.0.  Will move to 2.2 shortly,
> so a 2.2-only answer is still useful.)

I don't know if there is an easier way, but this works for me:

import sys

def my_func():
    # Raise an exception so we can get a traceback
        raise ZeroDivisionError

    except ZeroDivisionError:
        # Get the traceback object
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Get the stack frame object for this function
        f = tb.tb_frame

        # Get the code object from the frame object
        co = f.f_code

        # Get the module and function
        # names from the code object
        module_name = co.co_filename
        function_name = co.co_name

        print module_name, function_name

if __name__ == '__main__':


If you move the functionality into its own function, you can use the stack
frame object's f_back attribute to navigate to previous stack frame.

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