Stackless python + official python ?

Michael Chermside mcherm at
Thu May 9 10:03:07 EDT 2002

  [discussion of Stackless being accepted into the main Python distrib]

> Maybe Guido'll decide Stackless belongs in.  Maybe
> Christian will decide he wants to do whatever is
> necessary to get Stackless in.  More likely, I
> think, is that Christian continues to maintain
> Stackless as an alternate implementation.

I would just like to point out that NOT integrating Stackless into the 
main Python distribution is NOT NECESSARILY BAD! It is also doesn't 
necessarily reflect poorly on Christian or Guido.

It might make a LOT of sense to have TWO distributions, one which is 
INCREDIBLY platform-independent, and one of which has some VERY advanced 
and powerful multi-threading capabilities. To merge them would result in 
loss or weakening of one (or both!) of those features -- a real shame.

But having BOTH distributions satisfies EVERYONE. It might be a good 
idea to distribute stackless from the main site (although I 
don't think Christian is ready for that right this moment given where he 
is in the re-write). It might be a good idea to work hard at keeping the 
distributions up-to-date (ie, when 2.4.2 comes out for c-python it is 
followed immediately (or simultaneously) with stackless 2.4.2. But we 
don't have to merge Stackless into the main c-python distribution in 
order to promote it... we can simply promote BOTH as closely-related 
solutions to slightly different problems.

-- Michael Chermside

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