
Alex Martelli aleax at
Sun May 12 13:11:29 EDT 2002

Gorny wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way of doing something so a menu-command can call
> the callback function with (more) or other arguments??

Sure, you're just looking for a special case of currying as covered in .

> So you could use instead of this:
> status = Menu()
> status.add_command(label='wh00t', command=self.func)
> something like:
> status.add_command(label='wh00t', command=self.func,
> argskeyword=tuple_containing_args)

If it's a tuple it's unlikely to hold _keyword_ arguments --
more likely it will hold positional ones, no?

Anyway, the special-case you need is something line (in Python 2.2,
or 2.1 with "from __future__ import nested_scopes"):

def curry(func, *args, **kwds):
    def curried(): return func(*args, **kwds)
    return curried

then you'll call something like

  command=curry(self.func, *tuple_containing_args))


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