Multibyte Character Surport for Python

Martin v. Löwis loewis at
Wed May 8 12:41:56 EDT 2002

Erno Kuusela <erno-news at> writes:

> | So far, it appeared that there is wide agreement that identifiers in
> | Python should be ASCII only. Do you disagree, i.e. do you *really*
> | want to use non-ASCII identifiers?
> what would be the advantage in preventing non-english-speaking people
> from using python?

There would be no advantage in doing so. However, restricting
identifiers to ASCII still allows non-english speaking people to use
Python, if they atleast know the Latin alphabet. 

If they don't know the latin alphabet, they can't use Python even if
identifiers can be non-ASCII, since they keywords would still be
written with Latin letters.


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