Lists and split

magni2k magni2k at
Tue May 7 12:21:57 EDT 2002


i've got a question about lists and how to split them.
This little function is not the whole script and my problem depends only on 
this short lines!
I want to split an external file into 3 single terms!
protocol, host, path for example
The file contains urls in form :
So, what I want is to have a listing in form of:
['ftp', '', 'user/index']
['http', '', 'index.html'] 

def List(self):
       for line in ListFile(sys.argv[1]):
           serverlist = string.split(line, '://')
           print serverlist[1] 

Anybody perhaps an idea? The problem is how to split the 2nd time!! 

Thanks for everybody who reads and perhaps can help me ;-)

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