New to Python...

Markus Jais mjais at
Fri May 24 10:48:13 EDT 2002

Ken wrote:

> Hi, I am new to python. I am just wondering how different it is from C++?

Python is often slower, but most of the time fast enough
and it is much easier and more fun
any you are much more productive with python than with C++
some differences:
- Python has no Pointers
- no need for memery management (python does is for you)
- much better and more powerful standard library
- more portable
- regular expressions

just try out python, you will like it

After I learned Python and Ruby (
I do all my development in my freetime (at work we use C/C++, Perl)
in Python und Ruby.

> Also, how does python get mixed in with HTML to generate a webpage?

one way are Python Server Pages (PSP), similar to Java Server Pages (JSP)
you can find it at


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