problems with circular references

Michael Chermside mcherm at
Fri Mar 29 13:50:53 EST 2002

   [Jim wants self-contained modules that define error codes
      and error messages]
   [Handling an error requires a MessageCatalog module, which
      imports ALL the modules to build an error message list.]
   [Susan suggests that the classes register themselves with
      the MessageCatalog instead of being imported by it.]

I think Susan's solution is an excellent one. MessageCatalog shouldn't 
have (hard-coded) knowledge of what other modules there are, because it 
is intended to be generic. So have all the OTHER modules register their 
errors with the MessageCatalog during their import.

Of course, not all of the modules get imported as this is a CGI 
application, but the fact that some error code which was generated must 
indicate that the module which defines it already got imported (since it 
was running!). So while the MessageCatalog may not be *complete*, it 
will certainly have all errors which could have occurred.

-- Michael Chermside

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