PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?

Bernhard Herzog bh at
Wed Mar 6 16:37:29 EST 2002

James_Althoff at writes:

> [huaiyu]
> > "spam".append("eggs")
> > x, y, z = "d"
> > x, y, z = 3
> > [f(x) for x in (4 in 3) in (2 in 3) if x in (x+1 in x*2)] # just for fun.
> :-)
> Fun?  Ok, if you say so.
> But just to make sure I understand your point, I guess you are saying the
> above is bad because today's equivalent is more clear?
> [f(x) for x in range((4 in range(3))) in range((2 in range(3))) if x in
> range((x+1 in range(x*2)))]

That's not quite right, I think :)

 for x in range((4 in range(3)) in range((2 in range(3))))
   if x in range((x+1 in range(x*2)))]

would me more like it (but it's late so there may still be a mistake :) )

Anyway, I think that booleans will be iterable too could be problematic.
OTOH, that they're ints could be considered problematic too but hasn't
actually been a problem AFAICT.

> Can you suggest a less contrived example that might be a problem?

x, = 1

would assign 0 to x instead of raising an error.


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