is there gonna be a Core Python Programming 2e ?

John Warney john at
Sun Mar 24 13:12:34 EST 2002

>I know that Wes is gearing up to work on the second edition; I'll pass


>this on to him (he doesn't read regularly these days).  However,

ye, i have seen him reply to a few posts but not many

>I'll have to note that this is more up to the publisher than the author.

ye, i have seen all the CORE series with the same binding and i hate
it, same with O'Reilly books.  If its a paperback i like the binding
that is on  Linux Firewalls books.  If its hardback i like the binding
thats on the Sybex books.
This is me personally, since it is easier on the book in the long run
and it keeps the pages cleaner.


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