Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)

Michael Watkins watkins_no_spam at trendvue.nospam.com
Wed Mar 6 23:59:23 EST 2002

I can empathize with your quest. I'm fairly new to Python although already
entranced. Coming from several years of PHP, ASP, Jscript yet as little Perl
as possible, I found the Python language and base libraries very refreshing
and complete.

Deciding on an architecture for web work is as you've found, much more
complicated due to all the choices.

Why not just dive in and build a simple app for yourself as a start, it will
teach you much. If you want a simple html templating system, one I use (used
it in PHP as well) is HTMLTMPL ( http://htmltmpl.sourceforge.net ) which is
available for Python and PHP, and uses templates compatible with the Perl
module HTML::TMPL.

That and simple CGI will get you going. To do anything bigger, more complex,
on a public web site you either need to own the box or have a flexible web
hoster to run many of the other systems (mod_python, Zope, etc) that you
have been referenced to.

Get your feet wet and have some fun!

"Julio Nobrega" <inerte at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:40c3f5da.0203061114.18f7fea6 at posting.google.com...
> Hi!
>   So, I am looking for examples that might help me. Yes, I saw Zope.
> Waaaaay too much. Also read Web Programming Topic Guide on python.org,
> way less practical than I like. Picky, ain't I? :-)

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