SWIG and abstract base class

Luigi Ballabio ballabio at mac.com
Thu Mar 7 13:08:48 EST 2002

At 08:01 AM 3/7/02 -0800, Helmut Zeisel wrote:
>I want to use SWIG to create a Python module for
>a C++ class hierarchy using abstract base classes:

         I'm assuming that you're using a reasonably recent version of SWIG 
(let's say >= 1.3.9).

If you actually tell SWIG that Base is abstract (e.g., if you declare 
purely abstract methods as such, with the = 0 at the end) it should not try 
to instantiate it. If you don't want to expose the purely abstract methods 
or the above doesn't work in some way, you should be able to inhibit 
instantiation by declaring Base to SWIG as:

class Base {
     // whatever

hope this helps,

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