PEP Parade

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Fri Mar 8 23:44:57 EST 2002

>>>>> "Roy" == Roy Smith <roy at> writes:

    Roy> It's really tough to convince people that python is a viable
    Roy> tool when it's a moving target.

Tell that to Bill Gates, hey!<wink>

Not to deny your point.  Rather to point out that if Bill can do it,
somehow, so can we.  And if we manage it better than the infamous
Word (whichever, 96?) transition, there's a lot of good will to be had.

    Roy> Having the core language change from version to version just
    Roy> makes it worse, as we discover imcompatabilities between
    Roy> whatever version I'm using to develop on and whateve they're
    Roy> running on their boxes.

So you standardize locally.

Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences
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              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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