Brewster's Factor - was :Trouble running programs

Anton Vredegoor anton at
Mon Mar 4 16:50:38 EST 2002

On Mon, 04 Mar 2002 12:48:55 +0100, Laura Creighton <lac at>

>the only Brewster Factors I can find have to do with polarised light,
>or English Chrisitian Revivalist Victorian political parties, neither
>of which I suspect is what I am looking for.  Any ideas?

Sorry, I can't help you here, but having read a book about Murphy's
law I have an intuition about what Brewster Factors might be.

Suppose someone is looking for something (like Brewster Factors for
example), then most of the time the place where someone will find them
will be the last place this person looks for them, like in the
following code example:

a = 5
r = range(10)
for i in r:
	if i == a:
print i

Now I have the idea that Brewster Factors are influencing i to be
equal to 5 after the for loop in the example code for just enough
times to make someone completely rely on this feature. After that of
course i is undefined.


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