[Newbie] Code for web-based "members" database?

Wayne Pierce wayne at mishre.com
Thu Mar 7 01:43:38 EST 2002

Damon Lynch wrote:
> Hi everyone, 
> Does anybody have any suggestions for finding code that will help
> solve the following problem:
> I have a members database whose main purpose is to allow members to
> view other members based on interest areas (and geographical location,
> projects etc. etc.).  The database should reflect that areas of
> interest are related to one another in non hierarchal ways.  For
> instance, supposing an area of interest is biodiversity conservation,
> and another area is urban air pollution, and another is organic
> agriculture.  Anyone doing a members' search on environment should
> find people with those areas of interest.  But someone doing a search
> on agriculture should find organic agriculture, and not urban air
> pollution.
> It would be nice if people could suggest new areas of interest for
> validation.

Not sure what you mean by this, any examples?

> The database is currently stored in a flat file (yuck!).  It could be
> stored in a relational database, assuming that is the best way of
> storing it.  Or any other manner I suppose!

I've done similar things with skills for tech projects in the past, I 
dind't want to deal with SQL schemas so I typically use Metakit.  In the 
situations I have needed there was only a few people writing to the 

Depending on the amount of data, you may want to consider SQL or ZODB. 
I don't like making SQL schemas so I tend to avoid it.

> Unsurprisingly, access to this database is over the web. A relatively
> minor point is that I use e-mail addresses from  to send out regular
> e-mail updates.
> Is there already-existing python code that handles this type of
> problem?

The stuff I wrote was for my last company, so I don't have the code any 
more...it should be straight forward to implement though.  Create a list 
  for the groups, with each entry in the list being the sub groups. 
This way if you search for a group it will know what sub-groups to match 
as well, but you can still search for the individual item without 
dealing with the groups.


Wayne Pierce
web: http://www.mishre.com
email: wayne at mishre.com

"What you need to know."

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