Trouble running programs

Bernard Yue bernie at
Sun Mar 3 15:33:09 EST 2002

default_renegade wrote:

> Just started learning Python, but having trouble running a programs.
> First, I open IDLE, then open a new window
> Then I write a program and save it, then I close the window

After save the program from script window, don't close the window.  Just
press Ctrl+F5 or select from menu Edit->Run script (of script window) to
run the script from within IDLE.

> When I'm back at the Python Shell and select Run Script It gives me
> an error "Not Saved - The bugger for Python Shell is not saved.
> Please save it first!"

Run script command should not be part of Shell window (if it does, a
file selection dialog box should popup for use to select a script to
run).  Anyway, IDLE is not a commercial product so as a user, as long as
I find a way to make it work, I have no complains.

> However, I can run the program from the DOS prompt.


There are three schools of magic.  One:  State a tautology, then ring
the changes on its corollaries; that's philosophy.  Two:  Record many
facts.  Try to find a pattern.  Then make a wrong guess at the next
fact; that's science.  Three:  Be aware that you live in a malevolent
Universe controlled by Murphy's Law, sometimes offset by Brewster's
Factor; that's engineering.

So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in
praise of intelligence.
                -- Bertrand Russell

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