PyQT and shaped windows in X

Jonathan Gardner jgardn at
Fri Mar 1 03:04:58 EST 2002

Moray Taylor wrote:

> Hi,
> Can anyone point me in the direction of an example of shaped windows
> using QT with Python, is the XLib module required? Is it even
> possible?

I really doubt there is one.

> BTW I have tried asking in the PyQT/PyKDE mailing list, but it wasn't
> considered to be a PyQT question, go figure.

This is a Qt question - not a PyQt one. You'll probably figure out how to 
do it, but it will take a lot of study and experimentation. Perhaps you 
should investigate Xt, as there is a QXtWidget and QXtApplication class 
available in Qt.

The silence was because no one knows how to do it, not because it was a 
stupid question or because we don't like you.


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