undefined symbols when linking Python into a shared library

Martin v. Loewis martin at v.loewis.de
Fri Mar 8 04:07:19 EST 2002

Michael Neuroth <michael.neuroth at freenet.de> writes:

> Thank you for the tip, now I can see, that the 'missing symbol' is
> exported from the shared library:
>   000a7bac D _Py_NoneStruct
> Is there any difference for exported (data) symbols, when loading
> a shared library with dlopen() instead of linking it 'statically' while
> creating the program file?

Certainly: If a symbol is missing in a program, the program cannot
resolve that symbol from a library opened through dlopen: For that to
work, the program would need to start executing. It cannot execute if
it has missing symbols.

> That is true of course. Is there any possibility to create a shared
> libraray for Python: libpython.so instead of libpython.a?

Not currently. On SF, there are a number of patches that provide this
facility. To get PIC objects, setting CFLAGS may be sufficient.


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