Evaluation of intellectual products (was: "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python])

Cameron Laird claird at starbase.neosoft.com
Thu Mar 21 17:37:17 EST 2002

In article <Pine.SOL.4.30.0203212006050.8449-100000 at mimosa.csv.warwick.ac.uk>,
>[OT: A question I've asked many times and got no answer to is 'why has
>nobody done self-consistent ranking for academic papers'?  I fear the
>answer is simply that most of the data is owned by a small number of
>companies who, as a result, have no real incentive to advance the state of
>the art.  Still, maybe somebody out there is trying to do it...]

I don't know whether you're not familiar with ISI <URL:
http://www.isinet.com/isi/news/2001/productnews/8117876/index.html >,
or you *do* know them, but intend something different by "self-con-
sistent ranking for academic papers".

Cameron Laird <Cameron at Lairds.com>
Business:  http://www.Phaseit.net
Personal:  http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html

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