Windows Scripting Component weirdness

Keith Farmer kfarmer at
Mon Mar 18 01:23:28 EST 2002

I modified \Python\Lib\site-packages\win32com\test\testPys.sct into
WSCTest.wsc, source below.  Running the testPyScriptlet.js code (also below)
seems to reveal that I am unable to set properties on the instantiated
object.  No errors are brought up -- the code just behaves as if I never
assigned new values to the properties.

What am I doing wrong, assuming that the WSH is behaving properly?

Keith J. Farmer
kfarmer at




  Description="Test WSC/Python Object"

  <property name=PyProp1>
      <parameter name="newValue"/>
  <property name=PyProp2>
      <parameter name="newValue"/>
  <method name=PyMethod1>
  <method name=PyMethod2>

<script language=python>

PyProp1 = "Foo"
PyProp2 = "Bar"

def get_PyProp1():
  return PyProp1

def put_PyProp1(newValue):
  PyProp1 = newValue

def get_PyProp2():
  return PyProp2

def put_PyProp2(newValue):
  PyProp2 = newValue

def PyMethod1():
  return "PyMethod1 called: PyProp1 should be 'Test'"

def PyMethod2():
  return "PyMethod2 called"





function print(msg)
  WScript.Echo(msg) ;

var thisScriptEngine = ScriptEngine() ;

var majorVersion = ScriptEngineMajorVersion() ;
var minorVersion = ScriptEngineMinorVersion() ;
var buildVersion = ScriptEngineBuildVersion() ;
var m = "" ;

WScript.Echo(thisScriptEngine + " Version " + majorVersion + "." +
minorVersion + " Build " + buildVersion) ;

var scriptlet = new  ActiveXObject("Thuban.Test.WSCTest") ;

print("Getting PyProp1");
m = scriptlet.PyProp1 ;
print("PyProp1 = " + m) ;
m = scriptlet.PyProp2 ;
print("PyProp2 = " + m) ;

print("PyMethod1() = " + scriptlet.PyMethod1()) ;
m = scriptlet.PyProp1 ;
print("PyProp1 = " + m) ;

print("PyMethod2() = " + scriptlet.PyMethod2()) ;
scriptlet.PyProp2=scriptlet.PyMethod2() ;
m = scriptlet.PyProp2 ;
print("PyProp2 = " + m) ;

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