Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?

Wolfgang Strobl ws at
Sun Mar 10 16:59:33 EST 2002

Sun, 10 Mar 2002 20:05:24 GMT, grante at (Grant Edwards):

>I would think that for an isolated app, .so's would slow down
>load times.  With a statically linked program all you do is a
>single memmap() call (well, ignoring a few details).  With
>.so's you've actually got to resolve all of the symbols and do
>the linking step (not required for statically linked images).

Windows DLLs are already linked. 

Please have a look at

Or find "Rebasing Win32 DLLs: The Whole Story" by Ruediger R. Asche
on MSDN.

Two quotes from that article:

"All other things being equal, the size of the DLL does not matter;
that is, the costs for loading a small DLL and a large DLL are pretty
much equal. Thus, if possible, you should avoid writing a lot of small
DLLs and instead write fewer large DLLs if load time is an issue for
you. ..."

"The single biggest factor that slows down the loading of DLLs is the
location of the DLL. The documentation for LoadLibrary describes the
algorithm that the operating system uses for locating the DLL image; a
DLL located at the first search position (the current directory) loads
in typically 20 percent or less of the time as the same DLL located
deep down in the path loads. ..."

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