Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)

Julio Nobrega inerte at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 6 14:14:30 EST 2002


  I am used to do web scripting using PHP. As a new adventure, I am
trying to learn Python. I really wished I could write 'desktop' apps
with Python, but from what I read (and from what I am planning),
that's a little far away from my current trouser snake knowledge (I
also heard you all like those kind of quotes ;-)

  So, I am looking for examples that might help me. Yes, I saw Zope.
Waaaaay too much. Also read Web Programming Topic Guide on python.org,
way less practical than I like. Picky, ain't I? :-)

  I searched for complete (yet simple), or incomplete (yet with
explanations) apps on cgi-resources, parnassus and hotscripts, but I
don't have background to decide what's good or bad Python. And surely
I don't want to start with the wrong foot :-)

  Well, enough is enough, isn't? Where do I start? It's for a weblog
(Kuro5hin-like) system.

  Anyone have a tip for me? Examples? Squisdot is the way to go?

Btw, sorry for any grammer mistakes. My coconuts are in a tropical
zone and english is not my primary language. If anyone does want to
talk in Portuguese, I can :-)

  Thanks a lot,

Julio Nobrega.

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