Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!

phil hunt philh at
Sun Mar 17 10:13:13 EST 2002

On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 23:45:30 +0300, Jeffrey-man <i-have at no.mail> wrote:
>Hello, everybody!
>I'm a newbie and I'm just learning. I know, it's a stupid question, but I
>want to resolve it.
>Learning the Begginers Guide, I found an exercise. It tells me:
>"Write a program that continually reads in numbers from the user and adds
>them together until the sum reaches 100."
>Can anybody help me?
> -----
>sum_stop = 100
>num = input("Please enter the number: ")
>for sum in range(num+num,sum_stop):
>    print "Now the sum is", num+num
>    sleep(1)
>print "The sum is >/= 100!"
> -----
>Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Yes. Firstly you are only asking for a number once. You need to 
keep asking until the total is >= 100. So:

sum_stop = 100 
num = input("Enter number: ")

But that's no good, because the 2nd line needs to keep executing:

sum_stop = 100
while 1:
   num = input("Enter number: ")

Now you need to add up the total:

sum_stop = 100
total = 0
while 1:
   num = input("Enter number: ")
   total = total + num
   print "Total so far is %d" % total

But this still doesn't work, because there is no exit from the 
loop, so:

sum_stop = 100
total = 0
while 1:
   num = input("Enter number: ")
   total = total + num
   print "Total so far is %d" % total
   if total >= sum_stop: break

Which does the job.

<"><"><"> Philip Hunt <philh at> <"><"><">
"I would guess that he really believes whatever is politically 
advantageous for him to believe." 
                        -- Alison Brooks, referring to Michael
                              Portillo, on soc.history.what-if

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