running python on win2k

Dale Strickland-Clark dale at
Tue Mar 26 15:19:00 EST 2002

Jeff Shannon <jeff at> wrote:

>From the command line, simply type "python", or "python".  If
>you have .py files registered as executable, you can simply type
>"" as well -- I know that ActiveState's distribution will do
>this on installation; I haven't tested whether PythonLabs' installer
>automatically does this, but it's likely.

It does but it doesn't register the Python exentions as runnable.

If you register the correct extensions you can run a program just by
typing the name (without the extension) at a command prompt, as long
as the module is in your path or current directory.

To register the Python extensions, you need to add the following to
you PATHEXT environment variable:


Permanent changes to PATHEXT can be made from the properties of My
Computer in Win2K and NT4
Dale Strickland-Clark
Riverhall Systems Ltd

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