Newbie: List of instances?

Susan Williams susan at
Fri Mar 29 16:17:17 EST 2002

>> This is closer.  a itself is an object, and the way you deal
>> with it, at least for some functions, is thru its methods.
>> append is a method of the list object, so what you really want
>> is:
>> a.append(Bob('localhost'))
>This works! If I create a list a that has five elements where
>are just instances of Bob, can I "call" a method for a specific
>element of the list? I take I can (Jeff sneaks off to experiment
>while his wife is napping).

Hope your experiments went well.  Not sure exactly which question
you're asking, but:

Once you have a list with elements, you can get to an element
in the "normal" way like a[0].  This is really using a method
of the list object too, but its more like a function overload
where [] is a sort of operator.  (Sorry, I'm not a "language
lawyer" so that is not the best explanation :-)

Or:  yeah, you can call a Bob method on an element of a:


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