Python isn't necessarily slow

Ronny Wichers Schreur ronny at
Tue Mar 5 08:21:57 EST 2002

Siegfried Gonzi criticises Clean:

> [..] The problem in Clean: the array concept is not a tool which helps
> a programmer it impedes the programmer. The problem is not that an
> array has a type the problem in Clean actually is that it is impossible
> often to judge what is allowed and what not.

Part of Clean's type system is the uniqueness typing. This is what allows
destructive array updates, while keeping referential transparency. I
suggested that it was the uniqueness type system that you're feeling
uncomfortable with.

> [..] Clean does often not work correctly. [...]

It's hard to answer your criticism, because it's not very concrete. Maybe
there was a problem in your program. For example, there are index
out-of-bounds bugs in the Clean code you posted, which suggests that you
ran the program with run-time index checks disabled. This can give
undeterministic results. Or maybe there is a bug in the Clean system,
but you write:

> [..] I didn't contact any Clean developers,

You didn't report the bugs to us, yet you see it fit to portray our
implementation as completely unreliable. That's difficult for me to accept.

I suggest we continue this discussion by email.


Ronny Wichers Schreur

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