Is Python an object based programming langauge?

Bertrand Geston bergeston at
Wed Mar 13 09:34:12 EST 2002

"Anton Vredegoor" <anton at> wrote in message
news:a6nifr$eob$1 at


> On the other hand its entirely possible that the source of the
> confusion is something completely different.
> Anton.

IMHO, the OO paradigm can be summarized with:
- inheritance,
- polymorphism,
- encapsulation

If you see it like that, there is no possible confusion and Python is
undoubtedly OO !
I know that a discussion still exists about encapsulation. My opinion is
that Python classes clearly encapsulates instance data and consider us as
adults (no instance baby sitter hidden somewhere in the compiler or in the

And now, the only important question remains: are we able to write OO
applications ? I mean modular, reusable, maintainable, ... ones. The
language matters but the design makes the difference.


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