trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)

Richard Jones rjones at
Wed Mar 13 20:14:38 EST 2002

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 10:10, Andy McKay wrote:
> Roundup has always struck me as a more of an issue tracker rather than a
> bug tracker which Bugzilla is aimed at.

Interesting statement - I've used it in two jobs now in which it's used as a 
bug tracker...

It doesn't have any workflow enforced, if that's what you're referring to. 
This can be implemented using the flexible detector mechanisms built into 
roundup... it's just that no-one has yet.

> Bugzilla has lots of features and
> problems as well, but add email support to Bugzilla and you have a good
> scalable database with more features than Roundup. Unfortunately its in
> Perl

The underlying database in roundup is fully flexible - here we're looking at 
setting it up as the target of our customer feedback email address. That way 
emails get sent into the tracker and have "open/replied/closed" and our 
customer service people (and anyone else who is involved) may discuss the 
issue on the "mini mailing list" that is automatically handled by Roundup.

> I would recommend looking at both them to any one installing a bug tracker,
> but lets face it, the Python isnt likely to change soon ;)

Oh yeah - that'd be a world o' pain :)


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