Trouble importing / using a custom text codec

Jurie Horneman jhorneman at
Fri Mar 1 08:08:40 EST 2002

Martin von Loewis <loewis at> wrote in message news:<j4r8n5fxfx.fsf at>...
> I recommend a different strategy. Aim for allowing "cp932" as an
> encoding name. To achieve this, put the following (or something like
> this) into MBCS_codecs/

Thanks. I had to actually solve the problem so I took my code out of
the codecs and just called it directly, but at some point in the
future I will try this approach.

I'd still like to know why my approach didn't work, but oh well...

> If you want this to happen at startup time of Python, just add a
> MBCS_codecs.pth file in site-packages, which reads

What is a .pth file?

Jurie Horneman

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