ANN: Logging Module v0.4 released

Dave Cole djc at
Thu Mar 21 02:17:20 EST 2002

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Jones <rjones at> writes:

Richard> On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 12:54, Vinay Sajip wrote:
>> A new version of the proposed Python standard logging module (as
>> per PEP 282) has been released. You can get all the information
>> from

Richard> Having looked at the excellent work being done here, I wonder
Richard> what's happening at the other end of the pipeline. That is,
Richard> what's listening for the events that the logger is
Richard> generating? Has anyone got any plans to write a logging sink
Richard> for the other end?

Richard> The sink would perform the following duties: - accept events
Richard> from the logging module via all the logging module's handlers
Richard> - present a display of the events to a user, either
Richard> graphically or textually (the most basic of these would
Richard> resemble the UNIX tail -f) - redistribution of events to
Richard> other targets - filter incoming events, possibly aggregating,
Richard> possibly dropping - have state which would be affected by the
Richard> filters and may cause new events to be generated
Richard> (ie. escalation)

Richard> Anyone think this is a good idea?

I don't think this is a good idea.  I think this is a great idea.

- Dave


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