The IDE is important too [was Develop-test-debug cycle]

Dale Strickland-Clark dale at
Sat Mar 23 06:54:59 EST 2002

Paul Magwene <p.magwene at> wrote:

>i.e. What can YOU do for ME today?!  Sure, there's lots of gee-whizness
>we'd all love to see in Python IDEs, but since I ain't payin' for it I try
>not to moan too much about it.

Thats a daft response and barely worth the time to reply but as it's a
Saturday and I'm feeling chilled out I'll spell it out to you...

I'm sure most PEPs originate from users asking for new features. The
language is unlikely to evolve without suggestions such as these.

I know that my experiences are not unique. I'm not suggesting anything
that wouldn't benefit the language in general.

>Since it's open source why don't YOU implement the cool ideas you've
>suggested, submit 'em back to the community, and WE can all be four times
>more productive?

I'd love to have the time but I'm spending it all in the
develop-test-debug cycle at the moment.
Dale Strickland-Clark
Riverhall Systems Ltd

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