
Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?= gh_pythonlist at
Sun Mar 31 20:44:17 EST 2002

* Robert Oschler <Oschler at> [2002-03-31 19:55 -0500]:
> Forgot to ask, is Zope's database server actually MySQL under the hood?

ZOPE's ZODB (ZOPE Object Database) is, as the name says, an object database,
and has nothing to do with a realational database like MySQL. AFAIK it uses
ZODB for internal purposes (content-management stuff and others), but you can
also use the ZODB in your custom-written methods, that you can in turn use from
Zope DTML pages.

I'd recommend to start with the ZOPE tutorial and examples on a live ZOPE
installation if you want to get an impression of it.

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