reporting spam? (was RE: 5 dollar emails)

Gerhard Häring gh_pythonlist at
Thu Mar 7 20:19:55 EST 2002

Le 07/03/02 à 16:52, John Schmitt écrivit:
> What happens with all the spam this group gets?  Does anyone bother
> forwarding it to spam-fighting agencies? [...]

SpamAssassin (one of the few P*rl programs I liked enough to install)
does the spam filtering for me and it does an amazingly good job at it.
The spam (and a few false positives) getted tagged and put in my
caughtspam folder, which I review regularly.

Then, I'll forward all the real spam to, which analyzes the
mails for me (whom to complain to) and sends me a confirmation mail with
URLs to complete the submission. It'll then write emails to the admins
of the relevant ISPs. A few clever mutt settings make this less of a
pain :)

Alas, it doesn't seem to have much effect in that many providers don't
seem to care. In particular, most (I'd say 75 %) of the spam I get
privately and on mailing list comes from Korea. So I'm thinking about
just blocking all mail from a few Korean providers that are particularly
resistant to fighting spammers.

Most spam I get recently comes from these providers (most)

I've even received German spam sent thru machines on :-((

Maybe we should try to talk our providers from blocking all mail from
the major Asian spam sources. This would certainly help build pressure
on these providers by their legitimate users.

If anybody is interested in this topic, this is a more appropriate
newsgroup: Nevertheless opinions from Python
folks would sure be interesting.

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