Get reference to "owner"

Gerhard Häring gh_pythonlist at
Tue Mar 5 02:26:55 EST 2002

Le 05/03/02 à 01:41, Robert Oschler écrivit:
> I've never seen this feature in any programming language I've worked in but
> it can't hurt to ask.  Can an aggregated class object get a reference to the
> class object that aggregates it?  So if ClassAggregator contained an
> instance of ClassAggregatee is there a Python syntax/construct that a
> function in ClassAggregatee could use to get a reference to the instance of
> ClassAggregator that contained it?
I've no idea what you're talking about. But this doesn't hinder me from
replying ;-) You want to do something like the following?

import sys, traceback

class A:
    def __init__(self):
        self.b = B()

class B:
    def __init__(self):
        # Determine here from where we're instantiated

a = A()

If this is possible at all, I think it will involve the traceback
module. I can't currently think of a complete solution, though. With
traceback.extract_stack, one could easily determine the line you're
called from, but I can't think of a way to determine the class.

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