List of Dictionaries

Lenny Self lenny_self at
Thu Mar 7 18:59:01 EST 2002

I am having a problem I was hoping someone might be able to help me
with.  I am attempting to append several dictionaries to a list for
further processing, however I am seeing some rather odd behavior.

When I add the first dictionary element to the list all is well.  When
I add the second element to the list both the first and second element
reference the second dictionary that was added.  The behavior
continues whenever I add an element.  So, if I add, say 50
dictionaries, all of the listes elements reference the last dictionary
I added.

I don't have the code with me right now, but I can assure you it is
easy as this:

allMail = [...] # list of mail objects
dictsList = []

for mail in allMail:
     dictsList.append(mail.getData()) # getData returns a dictionary

I have tried this code with both Python 2.1.1 and 2.2.  Same behavior.
 Also, I am positive that each of the objects I attempt to append to
the list are different.

Any suggestions?  Any help would be great.


     -- Lenny

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