How can I use a foreign language char in Swing

Martin von Loewis loewis at
Mon Mar 4 07:10:58 EST 2002

"Jason Orendorff" <jason at> writes:

> > Actually, this is quite likely: MS normally choses "?" as the
> > replacement character, and you need to explicitly request CJK fonts
> > when installing the English edition of W2k. If "Windows" really means
> > "W9x" in this context, things are probably even worse.
> Wow, really?  I know next to nothing about it - but it feels
> as though I once heard that fonts have an explicit "i-am-stumped"
> glyph, usually an empty box...

I don't know what they do when the font does not incorporate the
glyph. However, if you use WideCharacterToMultiByte (or some such),
the replacement character normally is the question mark. You can see
this happen if you have a filename with funny characters, and try to
display those in console with the raster font.


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