Zope Question

Colin Fox cfox at crystalcherry.com
Fri Mar 15 21:24:39 EST 2002

Hi, everyone.

I realize that this isn't the best place to post Zope questions, but hey,
it's written in python...:)

Anyway, I'm trying to create a form for editing database entries. Part of
the form includes a pair of radio buttons for gender. I want to seed this
from with values from the database.

The problem is, radio buttons have a special attribute called 'checked'
to indicate when they are selected. The Zope page templates allow me to
alter things of the form ' value="xxx" ', but apparently not where the
keyword itself is the value. If there was something like
'state="CHECKED"', it would be easy. But I can't figure out how to insert
either CHECKED or nothing depending on the state of a variable.

And unfortunately, none of the example templates I've seen show how to do

Any ideas?


Colin Fox                                       cfox at crystalcherry.com
CF Consulting Inc.                                    GPG Fingerprint:
                    D8F0 84E7 E7CC 5C6C 9982  F1A7 A3EB 6EA3 BC97 572F

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