turning a python script to windows service

kedai kedai at kedai.com.my
Tue Mar 26 00:43:31 EST 2002

i've a simple script that just prints time.time().  how can i turn it
to a windows service?

do i need to do anythng special, apart from subclassing from
win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework and defining SvcDoRun, SvcStop, etc.
(the o'reilly python for win32 does help a bit, but i think i need
more prodding :P)

i have turned the sript to run as a service with srvany, but it never
prints anything, or do anything useful.  but when run in debug mode,
it does print.

i may be missing something obvious here.

the gist of the script:

import time
while 1:
    print time.time(time.ctime())

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