Exceptions and modules / namespaces question

Preston Landers pibble at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 28 18:21:24 EST 2002

This is a question about modules / namespaces and exceptions.
It's probably been asked before, but.... I looked in the Python FAQ
and did some searches on Google (& Groups) and didn't turn up

I've run into this thing a couple of times before, but I was always
able to work around it or avoid it, but I'd like to understand what's
going on here, because it's probably just a problem with my

The problem, in a nutshell, is that I can't seem to catch an exception
in the same module it was defined in if the function that raised the
exception is in a different module, because of naming issues.


import module1

def raise_foo_exception():
   raise module1.FooException("HELLO")


import exceptions, sys

class FooException(exceptions.Exception):

def main():

       import module2
   except FooException, e:
       print "Got it!"
       xi = sys.exc_info()
       print "Didn't get it.  Got this instead:", xi[0], xi[1]

if __name__ == "__main__":


Didn't get it.  Got this instead: module1.FooException HELLO

The question is, how do I explicitly catch FooException in main()
without doing a catch-all except: and then examining the type of my
exception, and making a decision based on that.  It's kinda clunky.


Preston Landers
pibble at yahoo.com

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