python name spaces

Daniel Ortmann dortmann at
Sun Mar 10 21:11:49 EST 2002


As a Perl user who has switched to Python for all of the standard
reasons ...

I must admit I am frustrated by Python's seeming lack of powerful name
space support.  For example, in Perl I can do something like this,

    our $b = "...b";

        my $a = "...a";
        our $f = sub { print $a, "\n" };
        our $g = sub { $a = "foo" }


    # prints ...a, followed by foo.
    # the "$a" variable is ONLY seen by the unnamed $f and $g
    # subroutines.

Arbitrarily creating variables and subroutines with different scopes.
(The actual example seems silly, but really isn't.)

1) Can such name space manipulation be done in Python?
2) What about the creation of substantial subroutine closures?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Daniel Ortmann, LSI Logic
3425 40th Av NW, Suite 200, Rochester, MN 55901
dortmann at / 507.529.3887 (w) / 535.3887 (int)
ortmann at   / 507.288.7732 (h)

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