Question about scientific calculations in Python

Jason Orendorff jason at
Wed Mar 13 01:13:50 EST 2002

Jason Orendorff wrote:
> Numeric lets you mix arrays and scalars randomly and it happily
> distributes multiplication and so forth.  So the resulting code
> looks a bit more like the original formulas.  Some folks like that.

Keep in mind, though, that the code I wrote creates a huge 2D array
when it is presented with largeish 1D arrays as arguments.

So if s_vector is 10000 elements and r_vector is 10000 elements,
then a 800-MB array is created.  If you've got the RAM, this is
okay; otherwise you're in trouble.

Also, does anyone have weave.blitz?  I'd like to see how it does
compared to the other approaches.

## Jason Orendorff

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