Image in a module question

Christopher chris_mk at
Thu Mar 28 18:58:56 EST 2002

Thanks for the feedback, I looked at the code and it gave me some
great ideas.  Although, a little too late, lol (I actually may end up
using it).  I ended up 're-inventing the wheel' although, in my case,
it was kind of fun (though, I still need help).
I couldn't figure out the image2py module that came with PIL (I kept
getting errors when I tried to import the resulting file).  So I wrote
my own.  It ends up doing what I wanted but at a price, the resulting
module is much larger than the original picture (this has to do with
the fact that I was getting errors when I tried to use the data in
strings, so I made a list instead.  Any way, I'll post my code at the
end of this post (please be gentle, I am still struggling through the
learning phase of this whole programming thing ;-) ).

Pete Shinners <shredwheat at> wrote in message news:<3CA2E042.2080307 at>...
> i've got a working tool that does this. although it uses pygame to load 
> and display the image (could probably be switched to PIL without too 
> much effort)


To save an image in a module:

To open an image in a module:
import ImageTk
from Tkinter import *
myImage = CK_Image2Py.Open_Module() # Enter the module
root = Tk() # create a Tk() object
myNew = ImageTk.PhotoImage(myImage) # Convert the image into Tk
Label(root, image = myNew).pack()  # Include the image in an object
root.mainloop()  # Run the Tk object


import sys
import SysSetUp
import zlib
import tkFileDialog
import Tkinter
import Image
import StringIO
import ImageTk
from Tkinter import *


def Find_Image():
    myPicFile = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
    return myPicFile

def Compress_Image(Img_File_Name):
    myString = file(Img_File_Name, 'rb').read()
    myCompString = zlib.compress(myString)
    return myCompString

def SaveString(Compressed_String):
    myModule = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename()
    myList = []
    for x in Compressed_String:
        append_this = r"""%s""" % x
    myString = 'IMAGE_List = %s' % myList
    file(myModule, 'wb').write(myString)

def Decode_Module(module_list):
    module_string = ''
    for x in module_list:
        module_string += x
    myString = zlib.decompress(module_string)
    return myString

def Make_Image(Image_String):
    myImage =
    return myImage

def Make_Module():
    myImageFile = Find_Image()
    myCompressedImage = Compress_Image(myImageFile)
def Open_Module():
    myModule = Find_Image()
    myModulePath = myModule[:myModule.rfind(r"""/""")]
    myModuleName = myModule[(myModule.rfind(r"""/""")+1):][:-3]
    exec("from %s import IMAGE_List" % myModuleName)
    myImageString = Decode_Module(IMAGE_List)
    The_Image = Make_Image(myImageString)
    return The_Image

def Open_Specific_Module(Module_Name):
    myModuleName = Module_Name[:-3]
    exec("from %s import IMAGE_List" % myModuleName)
    myImageString = Decode_Module(IMAGE_List)
    The_Image = Make_Image(myImageString)
    return The_Image

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import Image
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        myImage = Open_Module() # Enter the module
    root = Tk() # create a Tk() object
    myNew = ImageTk.PhotoImage(myImage) # Convert the image into Tk
    widget = Label(root, image = myNew)
    widget.pack()  # Include the image in an object
    root.mainloop()  # Run the Tk object

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